Social events

City Reception
An informal get-together will take place at the Brno-střed Municipal Office on Thursday, September 5, 2024, starting at 6:30 pm, with expected end at 8:30 pm. Participants can come on a rolling basis.
Úřad městské části Brno-Střed
Dominikánská 264/2
Light snacks, non-alcoholic beverages and wine will be served. You can also enjoy traditional Czech music and folk songs performed by students from the Music Education Department at the Faculty of Education MUNI.
How to get there
We will welcome you to the courtyard of the City Hall, entrance from Dominikánská Street 2, where the staff will direct you to the Social Hall. You can use the QR code link on the map below to navigate yourselves. The link is the same for both the City Reception and the Gala Dinner, as these venues are across the street from each other.
Gala Dinner
Gala dinner will take place in Restaurant and Brewery House Poupě on Friday, September 6, 2024, starting 6:30 pm. The Gala Dinner fee is EUR 50 per person and needs to be paid in advance.
Pivovarský dům Poupě
Dominikánská 342/15, 602 00 Brno-střed
Enjoy the brewing tradition in the heart of Brno. Brewery House Poupě is a spacious beerhouse with top quality beer, and traditional gastronomy from local ingredients.
How to get there
We will meet you right in the Brewery House, where we will welcome you and seat you. You can use the QR code link on the map below to navigate yourselves.