BACB Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)
Masaryk University is an ACE Provider; therefore, continuing education units (CEUs) will be provided for select events to attendees.
How to receive CE Units
- CE-eligible events are marked in the Book of Abstracts section of the Programme Book.
- At each CE-eligible session, QR code will be displayed and a keyword announced at some point of the session. You will have to open your camera app on your phone and point the camera at the QR code (scan the QR code). Once you have scanned the QR code a pop-up banner will appear (you might have to click on it), this will send you to a google form where you have to input your full name, email address, BACB number, and select the correct keyword.
- Participants' data will be securely stored in the university's storage system and used to assign CEUs. Certificates will be issued and emailed to attendees who filled in the google form.