Call for papers
Deadline for submissions is 16 June 2024.
General information about the types of events and submissions:
Poster session will last approx. 2 hours on Thursday evening. Poster boards are 1200 mm high and 880 mm wide (size A0). Submission is for individual poster (one form for each poster).
Oral/paper sessions will last for 1 hour 20 minutes total, which means that it usually contains 4 papers and each paper is allowed 20 minutes total for presentation and Q and A. Each paper session will also have a chair (assigned by EABA) to help organize and keep time limits. Submission is for individual papers (one form for each paper).
Symposium sessions will last for 1 hour 20 minutes total and the chair of the smposium needs to allocate time for each presentation and also for Q and A. Decide on the program area/topic of your symposium (ABA, EAB etc.). All presentations in one symposium should belong to the same program area/topic. One symposium usually contains 3 to 4 presentations. The chair needs to submit the titles, abstracts, and names of authors for all presentations within their symposium. Submission is for the whole symposium and is done by the chair (one form for the whole symposium). Program areas/topics are subject to modifications by the EABA program committee.
Panel Discussion will last for 1 hour 20 minutes total and the chair needs to invite the discussants (please make sure that all discussants attend) and organise the discussion. Panel discussion usually contains 2 to 3 panelists. The panel chair needs to submit the title, abstract, and names of all panelists. Submission is for the whole panel discussion and is done by the panel chair (one form for the whole panel discussion). Areas/topics of the panel discussion are subject to modifications by the EABA program committee.
Reunion and Business Meeting will last for 1,5 to 2 hours, according to your needs and availability of rooms. The internal organization of a Reunion or Business Meeting is up to the submitting person. EABA and Masaryk University provide a room and announce the meeting in the program. Meetings are accepted under reserve that the content of the meeting is in accordance with the regulations and principles of EABA and Masaryk University. Prospective organizers should contact the conference administrators directly via email: and must also register for the conference via participants registration.
Expo Booth During the conference (Thursday morning to Saturday noon) an Expo will take place at the venue. It will be located next to main auditorium and coffee station. Tables, chairs and connection to power supply will be provided. Expo booth fee is 50 €. Prospective exhibitors should contact the conference administrators directly via email: and must also register for the conference via participants registration. You will be allowed to assemble your stand on Wednesday (4 Sept) afternoon. The expo lasts for the duration of the conference (Thursday morning to Saturday noon).
All submissions and presentations must be made in English or Czech language.
Conference opening and closure
Opening evening on Wednesday 4 Sept will not contain any lecture or presentation.
Invited addresses and presentations will commence from Thursday morning (09:00), and close Saturday afternoon (13:00).
Commitment to register and present
All presenting authors, chairs and members of symposia must commit to register and attend the convention. All presenters must register for the conference by 30th June at the latest. Failure to register or make your scheduled presentation could result in the denial of submission privileges for the following conferences.